Inviting Inner Curiosity, Creating Outer Opportunities

to flourish in life

“Just one session with Judy opened up many possibilities that seemed out of reach before. Now I’m jazzed to get started.”


Learn in Leadership Cohort Groups

Everyone is a leader, that means you! Create the change you want to see in your church, group, organization, and world.

Simply Self-Wonderful

Celebrate the Gifts of Uniquely You

Heal the Hurt and Hidden Pain That Has Held You Back

Take back your life in healing sessions using energy medicine techniques to reveal what your body needs to heal and live a healthier, balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

“My life has transformed right before my eyes through the coaching relationship with Judy… Eight months ago, I was a complete wreck…everything was out of balance. Through Judy’s intuition, insights and her warm and gentle personality, my world opened up to so many new possibilities. I have found my calling. Thank you, Judy, for opening my life back up and enhancing my sense of well being!”


What’s Different About Innerlude and Associates?

I believe you are created to be creative! Your creativity is a driving force that wants to be unleashed in the world. And you’ve felt stuck, unappreciated and held back from the dream you can see but can’t quite seem to move through the inner fears and outer obstacles to get there. You know you have some important truth to share in your own unique way, using your creative mindset to create the world you want to inhabit, yet you’ve felt silenced and hidden.

I can sense it because I’ve experienced it too! This angst, frustration and urgency means you are now ready to make a choice to focus and be held accountable for your creative vision and passion for yourself and the world. It is my joy and passion to accompany you on this adventure of transformation, celebrating with you all along the way as you shine and flourish in life.

How Does It Work?

Follow These Steps

Click on the Get Started button

Meet with me for a free 30-minute coaching conversation

Work with me and truly flourish in life!

All Clients Can Expect the Following:


Empowered Courageous Action

Energized Creative Spirit

Enriched Daily Living

Deep Healing



Healthy and Balanced Lifestyle

Inner and Outer Peace


Natural Outward Expansion into All Life Offers

New Perspectives

New Possibilities


Relief From Past Fears and Blockages

Self Confidence

Self Knowledge


Trust in Yourself

and of course, Flourishing in Life!

Hello, I’m Judy!

meet the CEO

I’m passionate about integrating Spirituality, Healing and the Creative Arts!

Along with passion, I bring a commitment to the process of growth and transformation for my clients. I love learning and collecting ideas and experiences to incorporate new discoveries in my clients and my own life. I am an edge walker who has the creative ability to walk between worlds, building connections for innovative new ways of being and doing. I have learned simple effective techniques to stay sane and manage my energy and thoughts in the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous), post-pandemic world we are all trying to figure out daily and offer them to my clients.


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