Simply Self-Wonderful
It’s not strange or impossible to love yourself with all your heart. It’s absolutely essential! What matters is that you make it a priority.

The longest relationship you will have in your life is the one with yourself! And at this point in your life, you know and experience what your relationship is like! And I imagine, since you are reading this, that you have a deep yearning for something better.
You want to feel Simply Self-Wonderful, perhaps not all the time but at least most of the time and to know ways to get back to being Simply Self-Wonderful so you can live the life you want and create for yourself.
The Simply Self-Wonderful Card Deck and The Simply Self-Wonderful Inner Workout Book came out of that yearning in me. Wanting to feel loved, accepted, and worthy of love. And try as I might, something always blocked me – myself! That’s why the Self word is repeated in every attribute (card). And that’s why there is a hyphen between the attribute and the Self. They are connected and inseparable if you want to truly love yourself and flourish in life.
Self-love isn’t always easy. There’s no Self-Love destination. It’s an ongoing journey you take with yourself. And self-love doesn’t demand perfection either. Just trying to take one step at a time is more than enough. You’ve got this!
The Simply Self-Wonderful Card Deck and Inner Workout Book is for you if you:
- Have a hard time receiving a compliment or taking credit for your work,
- Can’t make things work out for you and you don’t know why,
- Shy away from following your desires and dreams,
- Lose sight of your abilities, skills, strengths, and talents,
- Question your own credibility,
- Feel resigned that things will never get better,
- Have troubled or short-lived, or very few relationships,
- Don’t feel you are good enough for others,
- Constantly put others needs before your own,
- Tend to have darker moods and tend towards anxiety and depression,
- Think about harming yourself to relieve uncomfortable emotions,
- Are immobilized by doubt, fear, or indecision,
- Struggle with true expressions of love.
The Simply Self-Wonderful Card Deck and The Simply Self-Wonderful Inner Workout Book are available now!
The Card Deck and The Inner Workout Book will be offered as a bundle and sold separately. These will be great gifts not only for you, but for those you love and care about.

Who I am
Judy E Slater is an Edgewalker, drawing from her expertise as an ordained PC(USA) Minister, certified CTI Coach and Leadership graduate, Intuition Medicine Practitioner®, trauma wellness educator, and is a creative arts dilettante. She fosters rabbits, quilts, exposes herself to art, nature, and travel, flourishing in life. Her lifetime journey of self-love, found the biggest block of feeling loved, accepted, and worthy of love, was herself. Out of this yearning for others to experience, self-love, The Simply Self-Wonderful Card Deck and The Simply Self-Wonderful Inner Workout Book was blessed into being. Learn more at and how to work with Judy at